4 members
3 months
Beauty Industry
4 members
3 months
Beauty Industry
4 members
3 months
Beauty Industry
New U body is a business that offers the best and the most beautiful body and face treatments on the market- LPG Endermologie, a non-invasive technique of caring a body.
LPG massage is a niche practice in the field of beauty. New U Body’s main issue was that few people knew about such procedure and its advantages, most of them were informed about it in the salon itself As a result, the service was not as popular among the customers as the business wanted, therefore it was hard to scale its sales.
The business needed a professional website in order to be able to provide the relevant information to the customers and sale its services more productively.
We created a full-fledged online platform that provided informative descriptions of the procedures. The site contains a detailed explanation of body care technologies, displays the procedures offered and service packages.
With the detailed info, intuitive navigation and booking option it became way more convenient for the customer to set their appointment, this way making scaling sales for the business easier.
UX/UI Design
We designed the site taking into account the specifics of the business, so that the potential client would feel confident interacting with it. The beauty industry requires beautiful solutions.
We combined a pastel turquoise with white. This combination recreated the atmosphere of peace and trust for the website visitors.
All the information was laid out with smooth lines so that the customer's eye got focused only on the most important information and could easily navigate trough the website.

Mobile - 375px

Business automation
We’ve helped countless companies streamline and grow their business. Our success comes down to our philosophy: At C1 Holding we commit and trust our clients. We’ve helped countless companies streamline and grow their business. Our success comes down to our philosophy: At C1 Holding we commit and trust our clients.
Optimization campaign by audiences, locations, placements, etc.;
Analyzing of audiences, ad sets, ads;
Corrected budget of campaigns;
Creating new campaigns on Facebook for tests;
Creating Discovery campaign in Google ads;
Ads management
While new solutions and a wider variety of platforms provide the opportunity to create more effective ads than ever before, the sheer number of tools and tactics available for reaching consumers online can make creating effective digital ad campaigns more complicated than traditional campaigns.
Optimization campaign by audiences, locations, placements, etc.;
Analyzing of audiences, ad sets, ads;
Corrected budget of campaigns;
Creating new campaigns on Facebook for tests;
Creating Discovery campaign in Google ads;

What was done
– Were created new campaigns for Truck Services;
– Were created ad sets, ads and audiences;
– Was launched Yelp ad campaign;
– Were analyzed and optimized ad sets and campaigns on Facebook;
– Were collected keywords, negative keywords for Google Ads;
– Were created campaigns in Google Ads;
– Were created ads;
– Was set up conversion tracking for Google & FB Ads;
– Were created technical tasks for banners for FB & Google Ads;
– Communication.
Statistics Ads
The monthly spent was $1990 on campaigns for drivers. We received 50 781 impressions and 301 leads.
The price per lead was $6.61 (12% better than the previous period). Results for driver campaigns improved slightly, but campaigns were turned off.
Facebook Ads for Truck Services spent $1525.58. There were 52 362 impressions and 59 leads (6 less than in the previous period).
The price per lead was $25.86 (88% more than in the previous period).
It was monthly spent $399.74 on Google Ads. Received 10 304 impressions, 206 interactions. And there were 19 conversions: 13 local actions, and 4 calls.
Firstly, Smart Search campaigns were tested. But they did not show good results
In Yeld Ads total spent was $526.61 and were received 16 leads. The price per lead is $32.91.
As a lead acquisition channel, Yelp Ads is a good platform. Calls are now cheaper than Google Ads.