4 members
3 months
Music Industry
4 members
3 months
Music Industry
4 members
3 months
Music Industry
BeatBe Music is the international music production studio. It's kind of creative club for online recording and collaboration with best-talented professionals and awarded producers. Founders of the studio origin from Ukraine, they work with most of Ukrainian top stars, while expanding to reach international market.
The studio's issue was the absence of an updated website and social media presence. This resulted in lack of media coverage and, therefore, little potential clients possibilities.
The underlying reality is that today's musicians mostly use the Internet or their personal networks to find a recording studio. For a modern music production studio it is crucial to a ’face’ online in order to grow.
We created a website showcasing studio’s main services, prides and advantages. The website displays information about the studio, their visuals, mission, team, and celebrities who have already worked with the studio. It basically plays a role of an online portfolio with an order option, this we’ve eliminated the issue with low trust and online absence.
UX/UI Design
The design of the website if the embodiment of the studio’s spirit. It’s built on contrasts and highlights, so it’s easy to navigate and use it. We made an accent on studio’s creative approach and made it possible to listen to its works. The website is also user-friendly, because we made booking and ordering really simple.

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